Writing a hashmap in Rust, Part 2: Swiss Table metadata and MaybeUninit


Links to other parts of the series:

This is part of a series on writing a hashmap in Rust. See Part 1 for an introduction.

To recap: We ended Part 1 after writing two simple hashmaps.

  • first::Map used separate chaining in a linked list
  • second::Map used open addressing and quadratic probing.

(Link to the repo.)

We saw a performance improvement for small value sizes (8 bytes) by moving to open addressing, but a regression for larger value sizes (64 bytes).

Table of Contents

  1. Safe map with “swiss table” metadata
  2. Unsafe map using MaybeUninit
  3. Footnotes

Safe map with “swiss table” metadata

second::Map is okay, but we can do better.

Our next optimization will be to keep some additional metadata in the map that tells us if each bucket is empty, full or tombstone. Following the Swiss Tables design, we’ll maintain an additional array (the “metadata”) that holds one byte of metadata per bucket. Each metadata entry consists of a control bit (is the bucket full or empty/tombstone?) and a 7-bit hash (called H2) of the bucket’s key if it is full.

This scheme gets us a few performance advantages:

  • Denser array for lookup: Since our map holds (K, V) directly in storage, larger K or V values can lead to slowdowns as the stride of memory accesses becomes too long. The metadata can be substantially smaller than the size of K or V—in our case, each entry will only be a single byte. Thus, if we can probe on a smaller metadata array, the probing process can be substantially more cache-friendly than probing on the full storage array.
  • Enabling unsafe optimizations: We saw in the benchmarks that making a second::Map with capacity for 100,000 items was about 30x slower for our map than std’s. This is because the whole storage array must be initialized to Bucket::Empty, and eagerly zeroing out all of that data takes time. A similar performance hit occurs every time we resize the map and have to initialize the new backing storage. Using the metadata, we can determine which buckets are full and leave all the others uninitialized using std::mem::MaybeUninit, at the cost of some unsafe complications.

At the moment, we’ll keep things safe (so no MaybeUninit yet) and focus on implementing the metadata. Here’s the basic idea: split the 64 bit hash into two hashes,

  • H1 is the top 57 bits of the original hash, and
  • H2 is the remaining 7 bits.

We’ll use H1 in place of the full hash value to determine the index in both the storage and metadata arrays, and use H2 in the metadata entry for each bucket. Here’s what this looks like in code:

// third.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
    fn bucket_index_and_h2(&self, k: &K) -> (usize, u8) {
        let hash = make_hash(&self.hasher, k);
        let (h1, h2) = (hash >> 7, (hash & 0x7F) as u8);
        let index = fast_rem(h1 as usize, self.n_buckets());
        (index, h2)

// continued...

The metadata is an array of u8, with one byte of metadata for each bucket. Each metadata entry consists of a control bit and either the H2 hash (if full) or a sentinel value. If the control bit is 0, then the bucket is full, and the remaining 7 bits are the H2 hash of that bucket’s key. Otherwise, the remaining bits form one of two sentinel values (for “empty” or “tombstone”).

To probe for k, we follow the same quadratic probe sequence, but on the metadata array instead of the storage array. If we find an element whose H2 hash is equal to k’s, then we hop over to the storage array to actually compare the keys for equality.


(Link to the repo.)

Here’s our map type:

// third.rs 

//! A Swiss Tables-inspired map with metadata.

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Map<K, V, S: BuildHasher = DefaultHashBuilder> {
    hasher: S,
    n_items: usize,    // Number of live items
    n_occupied: usize, // Number of occupied buckets
    storage: Box<[Option<(K, V)>]>,
    metadata: Box<[Metadata]>,

// continued...

It looks similar to second::Map, except we’ve added a new metadata field. We also changed the type of storage to hold Option instead of Bucket, since we’ll now handle the bucket state in the metadata array.

The Metadata type is just a type alias for u8. We define it in a new file called metadata.rs, along with some utility functions:

// metadata.rs 
//! Metadata for Swiss tables

const EMPTY: u8 = 0x80;
const TOMBSTONE: u8 = 0xFE;
const MASK: u8 = 0x7F;

pub type Metadata = u8;

pub const fn from_h2(h2: u8) -> Metadata {
    h2 & MASK

pub const fn empty() -> Metadata {

pub const fn tombstone() -> Metadata {

pub const fn is_empty(m: Metadata) -> bool {
    m == EMPTY

pub const fn is_full(m: Metadata) -> bool {
    (m & 0x80) == 0

pub const fn h2(m: Metadata) -> u8 {
    m & MASK

The main change to our map implementation is probing in self.metadata instead of self.storage, which requires some changes to probe_find. Nicely though, the main map operations won’t change too much (since most of their logic is contained in probe_find). Here’s the new probe_find:

// third.rs 
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
    fn probe_find(&self, k: &K) -> ProbeResult {
        let (mut current, h2) = self.bucket_index_and_h2(k);

        for step in 0..self.n_buckets() {
            current = fast_rem(current + step, self.n_buckets());
            let meta = self.metadata[current];

            if metadata::is_empty(meta) {
                return ProbeResult::Empty(current, h2);
            } else if metadata::is_full(meta) && metadata::h2(meta) == h2 {
                let (kk, _) = self.storage[current].as_ref().unwrap();
                if kk == k {
                    return ProbeResult::Full(current);
        // We've seen every element in `storage`!
        unreachable!("backing storage is full, we didn't resize correctly")

(ProbeResult::Empty now holds (index, h2) pairs, to avoid recomputing the hash when updating metadata.)

Since the details of probing are abstracted by probe_find, the map operations are almost unchanged from second::Map. get and get_mut are basically the same so I won’t show them. _insert and remove need to be tweaked slightly to update the metadata:

// third.rs 
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
    pub fn insert(&mut self, k: K, v: V) -> Option<V> {
        if self.needs_resize() {
        self._insert(k, v)

    fn _insert(&mut self, k: K, v: V) -> Option<V> {
        match self.probe_find(&k) {
            ProbeResult::Empty(index, h2) => {
                self.metadata[index] = metadata::from_h2(h2);
                self.storage[index] = Some((k, v));
                self.n_items += 1;
                self.n_occupied += 1;
            ProbeResult::Full(index) => {
                let (_, vv) = self.storage[index].as_mut().unwrap();
                Some(std::mem::replace(vv, v))

    pub fn remove(&mut self, k: &K) -> Option<V> {
        match self.probe_find(k) {
            ProbeResult::Empty(..) => None,
            ProbeResult::Full(index) => {
                let old_bucket = self.storage[index].take();
                self.metadata[index] = metadata::tombstone();
                self.n_items -= 1;
                old_bucket.map(|(_, v)| v)

That’s it for the map operations! Implementing resize is also easy: We just iterate over all of the items in the old storage and reinsert any item that is Some((k, v)) using _insert, which updates the metadata automatically.

Speed comparison with std

As a reminder, the numbers in the table below are the ratio of each map’s runtime with that of std’s implementation. For details on the benchmark code, please see Part 1 or the repo.

new (capacity: 0)
new (capacity: 10⁵ 16-byte items)602733
drop (10⁵ items)
insert_grow_seq (payload: 8 bytes)
insert_grow_seq (64 bytes)
insert_grow_random (8 bytes)
insert_grow_random (64 bytes)
insert_reserved_random (8 bytes)
insert_reserved_random (64 bytes)
lookup (8 bytes)
lookup (64 bytes)
lookup_string (8 bytes)
lookup_string (64 bytes)
lookup_miss (8 bytes)
lookup_miss (64 bytes)
remove (8 bytes)
remove (64 bytes)

Yay! We see an improvement across the board over second::Map. third::Map is our fastest map yet.

We still lag behind std’s map quite a bit in the insert_grow and the new benchmarks. As mentioned earlier, we can leverage the metadata to leave unused storage buckets uninitialized, which should improve both of these benchmarks. Let’s do it!

Unsafe map using MaybeUninit

MaybeUninit<T> is a standard library utility that lets us create uninitialized memory. Here’s how this might be used, (barely) adapted from std’s docs:

use std::mem::MaybeUninit;

// Make an uninitialized variable.
let mut bucket = MaybeUninit::<(u32, u32)>::uninit();

// Set it to an initialized value.
bucket.write((0, 0));

// Read the contents of `bucket`.
// If `bucket` is not initialized, this is UB!
let (k, v) = unsafe { bucket.assume_init() };

The key rule for using MaybeUninit is pretty simple: We must ensure that the memory is actually initialized before we read it! Breaking this rule leads to instant undefined behavior (UB).

Luckily, we have the metadata to help us. In fact, we can define the following simple invariant:

storage[i] can be treated as initialized <=> is_full(metadata[i]),”

which, if correctly maintained, will keep us from ever reading an uninitialized bucket.


(Link to the repo.)

Here’s the new Map type. It’s the same as third::Map, but with Option replaced with MaybeUninit in the type of storage:

// fourth.rs

//! A Swiss Tables-inspired map with metadata.
//! This is similar to the one in `third`, except using MaybeUninit as an optimization.

pub struct Map<K, V, S: BuildHasher = DefaultHashBuilder> {
    hasher: S,
    n_items: usize,    
    n_occupied: usize, 
    storage: Box<[MaybeUninit<(K, V)>]>, // New!
    metadata: Box<[Metadata]>,

// continued...

I’ve been leaving out the with_capacity implementation for the last several maps since it never changes, but here we use something slightly different:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
        let capacity = fix_capacity(capacity);

        // New!
        // Shortcut for creating `storage`.
        // This requires a nightly compiler to build.
        let storage = Box::new_uninit_slice(capacity);

        let metadata = (0..capacity)
            .map(|_| Metadata::empty())

        Self {
            hasher: DefaultHashBuilder::default(),
            n_items: 0,
            n_occupied: 0,

// continued...

Above, we use the nightly Box::new_uninit_slice API to create a new boxed slice of uninitialized data.

None of the other code needs to be changed at all, except for in the places where we directly access storage’s data. Here’s what probe_find looks like now:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
    fn probe_find(&self, k: &K) -> ProbeResult {
        let (mut current, h2) = self.bucket_index_and_h2(k);

        for step in 0..self.n_buckets() {
            current = fast_rem(current + step, self.n_buckets());
            let meta = self.metadata[current];

            if metadata::is_empty(meta) {
                return ProbeResult::Empty(current, h2);
            } else if metadata::is_full(meta) && metadata::h2(meta) == h2 {
                // SAFETY: we checked the invariant that `meta.is_value()`.
                let (kk, _) = unsafe { self.storage[current].assume_init_ref() };
                if kk == k {
                    return ProbeResult::Full(current);
        unreachable!("backing storage is full, we didn't resize correctly")

Here, we have our first use of unsafe where we try to read from self.storage using MaybeUninit::assume_init_ref (the non-owning version of MaybeUninit::assume_init). We also need to use a little unsafe in the main map operations, for example get and get_mut:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
    pub fn get(&self, k: &K) -> Option<&V> {
        match self.probe_find(k) {
            ProbeResult::Empty(..) => None,
            ProbeResult::Full(index) => {
                // SAFETY:
                // `self.probe_find` only returns `ProbeResult::Full` 
                // if `is_full(self.metadata[index])`.
                let (_, v) = unsafe { self.storage[index].assume_init_ref() };

    pub fn get_mut(&mut self, k: &K) -> Option<&mut V> {
        match self.probe_find(k) {
            ProbeResult::Empty(..) => None,
            ProbeResult::Full(index) => {
                // SAFETY:
                // `self.probe_find` only returns `ProbeResult::Full` 
                // if `is_full(self.metadata[index])`. 
                let (_, v) = unsafe { self.storage[index].assume_init_mut() };

_insert and remove are mostly unchanged, except for replacing the old Option methods with their MaybeUninit counterparts. For example, here’s what remove looks like now:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
    pub fn remove(&mut self, k: &K) -> Option<V> {
        match self.probe_find(k) {
            ProbeResult::Empty(..) => None,
            ProbeResult::Full(index) => {
                let old_bucket = std::mem::replace(
                    &mut self.storage[index], 
                // SAFETY:
                // `self.probe_find` only returns `ProbeResult::Full` 
                // if `is_full(self.metadata[index])`. 
                let (_, vv) = unsafe { old_bucket.assume_init() };
                self.metadata[index] = metadata::tombstone();
                self.n_items -= 1;

Finally, resize becomes a little more complicated, since we now need to check the old metadata to know which buckets are safe to access:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V> Map<K, V>
    K: PartialEq + Eq + Hash,
     fn resize(&mut self) {
        // Calculate the new capacity.
        let capacity = match self.n_buckets() {
            0 => 16,
            x => x * 2,

        // Set `self.storage` to a new array.
        let new_storage = Box::new_uninit_slice(capacity);
        let old_storage = std::mem::replace(&mut self.storage, new_storage);
        let old_buckets = Vec::from(old_storage).into_iter();

        let new_metadata = (0..capacity)
            .map(|_| metadata::empty())
        // Here, we need to keep the old metadata, as it's unsafe to blindly access the old storage
        // array.
        let old_metadata = std::mem::replace(&mut self.metadata, new_metadata);

        self.n_items = 0;
        self.n_occupied = 0;

        // Move nodes from `old_storage` to `self.storage`.
        for (&metadata, bucket) in old_metadata.iter().zip(old_buckets) {
            if metadata::is_full(metadata) {
                // SAFETY: we just checked the invariant above.
                let (k, v) = unsafe { bucket.assume_init() };
                self._insert(k, v);

Testing for UB with miri

Luckily, the unsafe in our current implementation is not too gnarly, since we aren’t manipulating raw pointers. That being said, it’s probably still a good idea to test our code with miri, an interpreter that checks for UB and memory leaks.

(And sure enough, the above implementation is missing quite a few important details…1)

First, let’s check our tests using the normal test harness:

$ cargo test fourth

All passing!

To install miri,

$ cargo install miri

And to run miri on our test suite,

$ cargo miri test fourth

Unfortunately, running this command makes Miri spit out a long diagnostic message, ending with:

error: the evaluated program leaked memory

note: pass `-Zmiri-ignore-leaks` to disable this check

error: aborting due to previous error; 1 warning emitted

error: test failed, to rerun pass `--lib`

Looks like we have a memory leak!

Fixing leaks: Implementing Drop

The root problem here is pretty simple. To quote from MaybeUninit<T>’s docs:

Dropping a MaybeUninit<T> will never call T’s drop code. It is your responsibility to make sure T gets dropped if it got initialized.

Oops: we haven’t done anything to ensure our map items get dropped! That’s fine if we’re holding types like integers, which don’t do anything in their destructor. But what if we’re holding Strings? Hmm, I think I made a test for this…

fn insert_nontrivial_drop() {
    let mut map: Map<String, String> = Map::new();
    let items = (0..1000).map(|i| (i.to_string(), i.to_string()));

    for (k, v) in items {
        map.insert(k, v);
    assert_eq!(map.len(), 1000);

Yup—that test is causing the leak.

To fix it, we’ll need to manually ensure that all initialized elements are dropped. That sounds fancy (to me at least), but it’s pretty straightforward: We loop through the metadata and for each full entry, drop the corresponding item in the storage array. Here’s the code:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

impl<K, V, S> Drop for Map<K, V, S>
    S: BuildHasher,
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        for (i, &m) in self.metadata.iter().enumerate() {
            if metadata::is_full(m) {
                unsafe { self.storage[i].assume_init_drop() };

// continued...

Now, cargo miri test fourth succeeds with no errors!

Satisfying the drop checker with #[may_dangle]

Unfortunately, we introduced a small problem by implementing Drop ourselves. Check out this test:

fn insert_borrowed_data() {
    let items = (0..1000)
        .map(|i| (i.to_string(), i.to_string()))

    let mut map = Map::new();

    for (k, v) in &items {
        map.insert(k, v);
    assert_eq!(map.len(), 1000);

This compiles fine and succeeds for both normal testing and under Miri. However, swapping the declarations of items and map now results in a compile error:

fn insert_borrowed_data() {
    // XXX this doesn't compile
    let mut map = Map::new();

    let items = (0..1000)
        .map(|i| (i.to_string(), i.to_string()))

    // ... same as before

And here’s rustc’s error message:

error[E0597]: `items` does not live long enough
   --> src/lib.rs:96:27
92  |             let items = (0..1000)
    |                 ----- binding `items` declared here
96  |             for (k, v) in &items {
    |                           ^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
100 |         }
    |         -
    |         |
    |         `items` dropped here while still borrowed
    |         borrow might be used here, when `map` is dropped and runs the `Drop` code for type `fourth::Map`
    = note: values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are defined

As usual, the compiler’s note is very helpful: since items is defined after map, it’s dropped first, even though map is still holding references to data in items!

This analysis is carried out by the drop checker (aka dropck), which ensures that no type can observe dangling references in safe Rust (see the Rustonomicon for an in-depth explanation). Unfortunately, the dropck introduces an ergonomic limitation for our type: any Map that holds references must be declared after the data it references.

Interestingly though, the std version doesn’t impose this limitation! Indeed, there’s a way to opt out of the dropck by using the unstable #[may_dangle] attribute from #![feature(dropck_eyepatch)]. This essentially tells the compiler: “We might be holding dangling references when drop is run, but if we are, we promise not to look at them.” As usual in Rust, the fact that we have to “make a promise” means that unsafe will be involved.

That was a lot of words, so here’s the code:

// fourth.rs
// ...continued

use core::marker::PhantomData;

// Add a `PhantomData` field to `Map`:
pub struct Map<K, V, S: BuildHasher = DefaultHashBuilder> {
    // ...
    // same fields as before, plus:
    _ph: PhantomData<(K, V)>,

// This replaces the previous drop implementation.
unsafe impl<#[may_dangle] K, #[may_dangle] V, S> Drop for Map<K, V, S>
    S: BuildHasher,
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Only touch `storage` if `K` or `V` needs to be dropped.
        if std::mem::needs_drop::<(K, V)>() {
            for (i, &m) in self.metadata.iter().enumerate() {
                if metadata::is_full(m) {
                    unsafe { self.storage[i].assume_init_drop() };

// continued...

We added a PhantomData<(K, V)> member to Map, which is required when using #[may_dangle]. We also replaced the old impl Drop block with a new unsafe impl Drop, where K and V are annotated with #[may_dangle]. This asserts to the compiler that we won’t touch dangling references in the drop implementation. Finally, we added a check with std::mem::needs_drop, to ensure that we don’t run drop on the individual map items unless they’re owned types.

With these changes, the new version of insert_borrowed_data (with map declared first) compiles and all of the tests pass Miri. I also added a new test that is identical to insert_borrowed_data but uses a Map<String, &str> or a Map<&str, String> in place of the original Map<&str, &str>, in order to test the scenario where one of K or V is a borrowed type and the other is owned.

Implementing Clone

We also need to implement Clone manually for the new map, since MaybeUninit<T> only implements Clone if T is Copy. Let’s first add a test so we can check our work with Miri:

fn clone() {
    let mut map = Map::new();

    for i in 0..1000 {
        map.insert(i, i);
    assert_eq!(map.len(), 1000);

    let another_map = map.clone();

    for i in 0..1000 {
        assert_eq!(map.get(&i), another_map.get(&i));

Next, we’ll implement Clone. The strategy is pretty simple: We create a new instance of Map by cloning all the fields of self except for storage. Then for each full bucket in self.storage, we clone the key and value and write the cloned items into the new storage array.

impl<K, V> Clone for Map<K, V>
    K: Clone,
    V: Clone,
    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
        let mut other = Self {
            hasher: DefaultHashBuilder::default(),
            n_items: self.n_items,
            n_occupied: self.n_occupied,
            storage: Box::new_uninit_slice(self.n_buckets()),
            metadata: self.metadata.clone(),
            _ph: PhantomData,

        for (i, m) in self.metadata.iter().enumerate() {
            if metadata::is_full(*m) {
                let (k, v) = unsafe { self.storage[i].assume_init_ref() };
                other.storage[i].write((k.clone(), v.clone()));


Note that this is pretty manual, unlike in resize (which uses _insert). Manually writing to the new storage is more efficient here because we don’t have to rehash the items (unlike during resizing).

Warning: Exception safety

Note that the Clone impl above is not actually sound as it stands, due to a lack of exception safety. (See the section in the Rustonomicon.)

The problem occurs where we call k.clone() and v.clone() above, either of which could potentially panic. If that happens, then Map::drop will cause UB because our invariant is violated: other.metadata is fully copied from self.metadata, but other.storage is not correctly initialized.

Please see Part 3b, which is a short post dedicated to fixing this problem.

Speed comparison with std

new (capacity: 0)
new (capacity: 10⁵ 16-byte items)6027331.1
drop (10⁵ items)
insert_grow_seq (payload: 8 bytes)
insert_grow_seq (64 bytes)
insert_grow_random (8 bytes)
insert_grow_random (64 bytes)
insert_reserved_random (8 bytes)
insert_reserved_random (64 bytes)
lookup (8 bytes)
lookup (64 bytes)
lookup_string (8 bytes)
lookup_string (64 bytes)
lookup_miss (8 bytes)
lookup_miss (64 bytes)
remove (8 bytes)
remove (64 bytes)

We see some improvements here. Inching toward the performance of std’s map!

This concludes Part 2. In Part 3, we’ll look at two additional optimizations made by Swiss Tables and hashbrown:

  • SIMD probing. SIMD allows us to check 16 metadata entries with only a few instructions.
  • Fancier allocation strategy. Putting the metadata and storage in the same allocation allows for better cache performance (especially when the map is small).

A little more unsafe: Removing bounds checks

I also tried using slice::get_unchecked to remove the bounds checks in accessing self.metadata[i] and self.storage[i] inside of probe_find, at the cost of a bit more unsafe 2. This should be fine because we explicitly ensure that our index is inbounds by calling fast_rem(current_index, self.n_buckets()) in the loop.

However, I found that doing this only improved the benchmarks by < 5%. (This change was not included in the above benchmarks.)



You may have noticed, for example, that the current Map will leak a ton of memory when holding a type with nontrivial drop!


Using unsafe to eliminate bounds checks is generally frowned upon—see e.g., this section in the Rust Performance Book. A lot of suggestions on how to do this safely can be found in “How to avoid bounds checks in Rust (without unsafe!).

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